Karen Mickelson
Founder, K’s NRG Whole Food Energy Bars
Fitness Lover and Mother of Twins
As a fitness-loving mother of 10 year-old twins, I am no stranger to trying to balance a busy personal life with my passion for exercise and healthy eating.
Enjoying unprocessed, whole food in its natural state has positively affected my health and that of my children. I am also familiar with research confirming that consuming a primarily plant-based diet will reduce the risk of chronic disease and may even reverse existing disease.
Years ago, I pondered the components of a new recipe and asked myself – how can I integrate few, nutritionally dense and satisfying plant-based ingredients into my busy lifestyle, in a tasty and handy grab-and-go format? The answer:

K’s NRG Whole Food Energy Bars are room temperature shelf stable (3 months minimum), nutrient-dense, and provide a steady release of natural sustained energy from their exclusive combination of all-natural, superior plant-based ingredients. Locally handmade with care by vegan bakery Sweets from the Earth, K’s NRG Whole Food Energy Bars are available in 3 delicious gluten-free varieties—Original, Cherry and Coconut Chocolate. K’s NRG Whole Food Energy Bars benefit individuals of any age, including those with specific dietary needs.
Read the brief list of ingredients—not only are the components of K’s NRG Whole Food Energy Bars easily recognizable, the bars’ nutrition data showcases an optimal combination of healthy fats, fiber, protein and other nutrition benefits to control hunger and keep you feeling satisfied.
The select ingredients in K’s NRG Whole Food Energy Bars provide maximum nutrition without the need to “custom blend”. It is a well-balanced and all-natural food item that complements a busy lifestyle.